ML Reviews

variational autoencoder

A probabilistic [[architecture]] from the family of [[autoencoders]]. The self-learned representation is used to parameterize a probability distribution (i.e. the [[posterior distribution]]), from which a decoder can draw samples from to generate a range of outputs. We can either directly predict the mean of the distribution, or perform sampling over the distribution to obtain #uncertainty estimates.

Is a sub-category of [[bayesian-neural-networks]], whereby variational inference is done, usually in contrast to full [[MCMC]] sampling.

Problem with VAEs is that they are susceptible to [[posterior collapse]], where a single output is produced regardless: this is when the decoder ignores the latent variable completely, and becomes a deterministic model.

This blog by Lilian Weng has an incredibly in-depth description of the theory behind VAEs.

Types of VAEs

  • [[beta-VAE]] provides a tuning parameter, β\beta, that attempts to force disentangling of the latent vector into unit Gaussian priors. Relatively easy to understand and implement, however quite readily suffers from [[posterior collapse]].

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[posterior collapse]: posterior collapse "posterior collapse" [posterior collapse]: posterior collapse "posterior collapse"

[posterior collapse]: posterior collapse "posterior collapse" [posterior collapse]: posterior collapse "posterior collapse"